英语翻译My stars must be your light tonight I believe this must


  • Call You Tonight 今晚打电话给你 (很好听的歌)


    My stars must be your light tonight 今晚我的星星就是你的亮光

    I believe this has to have a meaning 相信这一定有种含义

    Lightning had to strike tonight 今晚要有闪电

    Cause the two of us are finally meeting 因为我俩终于见面了

    In this place at this time 在这里,在此时

    And I feel safe when I look in your eyes 我看着你的眼睛,感到安全

    I feel like I know you from another life 我觉得好像前世就与你相知

    And it makes me wish I wasn't so pressed by time 让我盼望时间别这么紧迫

    I can't catch my breathe 我无法呼吸

    Cause you take it away 因为它被你带走了

    The best writer in town 城里最好的作家

    Could not find words to say 也无法用言辞表达

    How there are so many things 为什么发生这么多事

    I wanna get to know 我想要知道

    I wish that I could stay 多盼望我能留下

    But I gotta go 可我得走了

    So I'mma call you tonight 所以我今晚要打电话给你

    I will baby 我会的,宝贝

    Just as soon as I get time alone 我一有时间独处就打

    I'mma call you tonight 今晚我会打给你

    I will baby 我会的,宝贝

    Just as soon as I get home 等我一回到家

    That's not the way it goes in life 生活中事情不是这样的

    You get busy when you just don't know 你不知不觉中变得忙碌

    There's never enough time day or night 日夜时间都不够

    You have to make it so baby I'm gonna 你要做到,所以宝贝我会

    Make a way to connect 想办法联系

    Cause your face is one I can't forget 因为你的面容令我无法忘怀

    I feel like I know you from another life 我觉得好像前世就与你相知

    And it makes me wish I wasn't so pressed by time 让我盼望时间别这么紧迫

    I can't catch my breathe 我无法呼吸

    Cause you take it away 因为它被你带走了

    The best writer in town 城里最好的作家

    Could not find words to say 也无法用言辞表达

    How there are so many things 为什么发生这么多事

    I wanna get to know 我想要知道

    I wish that I could stay 多盼望我能留下

    But I gotta go 可我得走了

    So I'mma call you tonight 所以我今晚要打电话给你

    I will baby 我会的,宝贝

    Just as soon as I get time alone 我一有时间独处就打

    I'mma call you tonight 今晚我会打给你

    I will baby 我会的,宝贝

    Just as soon as I get home 等我一回到家

    Destiny 命运

    I believe in it 我相信它

    Meant to be 就是命运

    Don't you see it's possible that this of magic 你没看见这可能是奇迹吗

    Anything can happen 任何事都会发生

    And if you wanna know 如果你想知道

    Then you'll stay by the phone 那你就会等在电话旁

    Ohhhhhh 哦

    I can't catch my breathe 我无法呼吸

    Cause you take it away 因为它被你带走了

    The best writer in town 城里最好的作家

    Could not find words to say 也无法用言辞表达

    How there are so many things 为什么发生这么多事

    I wanna get to know 我想要知道

    I wish that I could stay 多盼望我能留下来

    But I gotta go 可我得走了

    So I'mma call you tonight 所以我今晚要打电话给你

    I will baby 我会的,宝贝

    Just as soon as I get time alone 我一有时间独处就打

    I'mma call you tonight 今晚我会打给你

    I will baby 我会的,宝贝

    Just as soon as I get home 等我一回到家

    I'mma call you tonight 今晚我会打给你

    I will baby 我会的,宝贝

    Just as soon as I get home 等我一回到家