怎么又有一段了?虽然我给你翻,但是对内容却不同意.研究DNA结合蛋白要用gel shift,而不是染色.你的研究思路不对.
By studying DNA binding protein, we can get the fundamental molecular knowledge of the replication, regulation and control of expression of genetic information. This will help to reveal the mechanism of some basic cellular process such as development, differentiation and death. The current experiment utilized 1.4M NaCl solution to extract nuclear protein (DNP), followed by 10 times dilution protocol to precipitate DNP. After lysis of DNP, SDS-PAGE was used to analyze the protein. Several Coomassie stain protocols that for DNA binding protein were used. Our results showed that Coomassie R-250 was better than G-250 in term of stain effect.