The Olympic Games___every four years.They __by hundreds of m


  • The Olympic Games__are held _every four years.They _are watched_by hundreds of millons of people all over the world.

    But even if an event_is organised_carefully,things can go wrong.

    In 2004 the Games_were held__in Athens.When the final day began,everyone agreed that they had been a greet success.All but one medal _were given__and several world records _were broken__.But one great race was left -the marathon.

    A few miles before the end,Vandelei Lima from Brazil was a long way in front,and looked as if he would win.Suddenly he _was attacked__by a man who appeared from the crowd and_was pushed__to the side of the road.The man__was arrested_,and Lima continued the race,but he__was overtaked_by two other runners and finished third.The man who had attacked him__was given_a one-year sentence,but Lima's Olympic dream__turned_into a nightmare.