英语小问题,1、are you used to our food now?——almost,but__knife and


  • 1、 — Are you used to our food now?— Almost,but __ knife and __ fork is still a problem.

    【选择】D.the; /

    【解析】西餐的刀叉是一个不可分离的整体,只能用一个冠词.另外像身兼二职的人也是这样,如:the doctor and professor(博士职称的教授),the board chairman and general manager(董事长兼总经理)

    2、 They drew attention to thedistance and the communication problem for people visiting their city.



    draw attention to 表示“对…引起注意”

    the distance and the communication problem for people visitingtheir city = the distance for people visiting their city and the communicationproblem for people visiting their city 的省略.

    3、 —What's wrong with yourgrandmother?— She ____ anythingat all.

    【选择】B.seldom eats

    【解析】如果没有上文的问话,She does hardly eat anything at all 和 She seldom eats anything at all 都可以站住脚,前者由于表示强调的助动词 does 的存在,语气更强.但是,回答问题应该有针对性,问什么就回答什么,不能所答非所问.对方问“怎么了?”,直接告诉人家“几乎很少吃东西”就行了,没有必要把“确确实实”这个对方并没关心到事实说出来.另外,at all 已经是强调,再加 does 就语意重复,说话啰嗦.