假设你是李华 给笔友paul写信,与其交流音乐的作用 要点:1、听英文歌曲可以练习口语,熟悉外国文化;2...


  • Dear Paul,

    I haven't heard from you for a long time. What are you going? Well I find that music really plays an important role in our daily life.

    Firstly, listening to foreigen songs can help us practise our oral English and learn about foreigen culture.

    In addition, some light music can make people sleep soundly and quickly. As a result, we will be energetic in next day's work and study.

    Also, when you are frustrated or tired, enjoy some Mozart's music. I am sure you will be full of hope and courage again.

    Well, how about your opinion on music? I look forward to receiving your letter soon.
