ins的s/o 外国人说的一些简短的用语sfss/o9mins其他还有些什么简短的用语


  • sfs:spam for spam 给他的照片点赞,他也给你的照片点赞

    s/o:shout outs to...向某人喊话

    9mins:9 minutes 9分钟


    Ard – Alright,okay

    HMU – Hit Me Up

    LOL – Laugh Out Loud

    OOTD – Outfit of the Day

    SMH – Shaking My Head

    YOLO – You Only Live Once

    DM – Direct Message

    Cake – A lot of money (usually an exaggerated amount)

    Chillin’ – Relaxing,hanging out

    Cray – Crazy

    Derp – Idiot,retard,stupid person

    Dip – Leave

    Dope – Awesome,cool