用所给动词的适当形式填空(1.10个一般现在时的 2.10个现在进行时的 3.10个一般过去时的)求题型典型的.


  • 一般现在时

    1.He __________(go) to the zoo on Sundays .

    2.________ they _______(like) China

    3.Lucy __________ (not like) meat at all .

    4.The students ________(have ) lunch at home everyday .

    5.My father often _______ (walk ) in the park .

    6.Mother _______(get) up early in the morning .

    7.He ________ (not do ) his homework at lunch .

    8._______ you always _______ (clean ) teeth after meal

    9.The sun _______ (rise) in the east .

    10.The moon _______(move ) round the earth .


    1.Look !they ____________(fly ) kites in the field .

    2.Listen !they __________ (talk ) about the news there .

    3.Now Mike ___________ (get ) ready for the meeting .

    4.– Where is Peter - He ______________ (watch) TV .

    5.It’s six o’clock ,the Blacks _______________ (have) supper.

    6.–________ he ___________(wash ) himself - No,he isn’t

    7.they _____________ (have) a important meeting now.

    8.what are they doing?they _______________(talk)about the book.

    9.Look.the students _______________(read) English.

    10.we __________________ (make) a model plane now.


    1.x05Charry __________(watch) TV at home last night.

    2.x05I _________ (be) born in 1995.

    3.x05Nita __________(give) a present to her sister last Monday.

    4.x05What time _______ you _________(get)up yesterday morning?

    5.x05It __________(happen) ten minutes ago.

    6.When _________ you ________ (come)?------Ten minutes ago.

    7.He said he _________( can ) come here early.

    8.They _________ (come) to work here two years ago.

    9.x05Lilei _______(be) out when I called him .

    10.x05There ________(be) a fashion show a few days ago .