求两篇英文小说的读后感 280字 急要


  • 《野性的呼唤》

    The Call of the Wild

    The title says it all. From the moment Buck is snatched up and sold he was thrust into a new life reminiscent to that of his ancestors. Though I could sit here and nit pick my way through the story, I like to think of Bucks physical journey as a conditioning. Everything from the first beating and the revelation of fang and claw, to the laborious work and hardships as a sled dog, he finds within himself a natural instinct that at first surprises him, but over time develops him. If it weren't for the harsh world in which he dwelt mixed with his own found ferocity he would not have survived. But as he was surviving he was growing and digressing. Like a kite takes to the wind, he tore through the layers of his being and found the dormant primordial beast that enveloped completely at the end.

    During the finial chapters of the book Buck gives in to the pull of the forest. It takes him so vivaciously that it starts to become him. A real turning point comes when John T. is murdered. I have read some other threads and allot of you say it's with his decision to stay and hunt the moose, but it's just to premature. Admittedly though it was a major stepping stone. I believe he viewed the bull moose as a challenge, something that needed to be done to once and fore all lay down even the smallest of thoughts or doubts he may have had subconsciously. As the victor he takes time to bask in his glory. Remember the smaller moose he took down? He left it for sometime and chased a few wolverines away upon his return. But this his greatest kill he stayed next to it for the next couple of days. Basking.

    But the love he had for John was the one thread that would always pull him back. And thus upon his arrival at camp and seeing what fate had befallen Thornton, that last thread of attachment snaps so surely and completely that he begins to savagely attack the Yeehat Indians. When it's over one of his last thoughts was he would never be afraid of man again, weary of club and arrow, but never afraid. And as the anger still boils within him and the finial match with the wolf pack Buck not so much as lets go rather than releases himself to the call. The call in which would run past his own mortality and through the voice of legend.


    Impression of a book of " persons who keep watch in the wheat field "

    Went to the bookstore that day, I chose a very thin book from a lot of world masterpieces, name let " wheat persons who keep watch of field ", when I pick up this book, I have not expected that such a thin book will have a so great impact on me, making my thoughts and feelings very deep, I think that the form and content of this book are all very outstanding.

    The fifties in U.S.A. were a quite confused period, the dark cloud of World War II has not left yet, the smoke of gunpowder of cold war arises again. On one hand the development in science and technology is fast, and on the other hand, people lack the ideal, demoralized, under the great social background unable to change in oneself, live and mix shocking and shocking life. Then, " a generation of collapsing " appears , Halton is a member among them , he smokes and gets drunk, not to strive to make progress, but, he is still unlikely to reduce to taking drug, gregarious stage, because in his bottom of heart , still have a beautiful and remote ideal all the time ---Do a " person who keeps watch in the wheat field ".

    A country here of our life, this era is during the enormous change, everything is in the development with rapid change. In a sense, this is and really a bit alike in U.S.A. of the fifties. The society is progressing constantly, people's concept is changing too, a lot of people begin to be vast and hazy, downhearted, they get to forget one's own ideal, do not have the first enthusiasm, begin to yearn for being mediocre.

    We are a group of children living in new era, it is puzzled and worried to be already been used to naturally , but we should concentrate spirit and are certain about the front of we , our way , we should whether one have lofty ideals ambitious people. If Halton does not have his pure ideal, then he will degenerate through to the end , it is his ideal that lets him live. The ideal is the people' s beacon light, it is leading people to move towards future, move towards the light. Our life has just begun, even if life makes us some of this generation perplexed with knowing which way to go, but everything is just temporary, does not know the past , we needed most now, it is our ideal.

    Yes, it is hopeful to have lofty ideals , will just tomorrow hope, will be more beautiful tomorrow!