剑桥少儿英语三级的单词表~要那种分单元的 上下册都要~不要那种按字母A~Z的那种我要的是新版的剑桥少儿英语的单词表 fl


  • Playway-3 单词卡

    Unit 1 back to school

    1 milk

    2 toast

    3 bag

    4 cap

    5 watch

    6 trip over

    7 tear

    8 basketball

    Unit 2 pets

    9 cat

    10 dog

    11 hamster

    12 mouse

    13 rabbit

    14 snake

    15 guinea pig

    16 budgie

    17 spider

    18 pony

    19 mice

    20 ears

    21 feet

    22 teeth

    23 cheese

    24 rice

    Unit 3 I’m scared

    25 monsters

    26 ghosts

    27 witches

    28 skeletons

    29 monster suit

    30 bathroom

    31 mirror

    32 kennel

    33 neighbour

    34 chase

    35 hide

    36 climb a tree

    Unit 4 feelings

    37 scared

    38 angry

    39 sad

    40 tired

    41 happy

    42 queeen

    43 heart

    44 airport

    45 chocolates

    Unit 5 where’s the cinema

    46 chair

    47 cupboard

    48 desk

    49 window

    50 board

    51 door

    52 washbasin

    53 pot plant

    54 station

    55 school

    56 postoffice

    57 museum

    58 hospital

    59 church

    60 supermarket

    61 hotel

    62 cinema

    63 next to

    64 opposite

    65 ladybird

    Unit 6 free time

    66 feed a squirrel

    67 play the saxphone

    68 ride a bike

    69 play volleyball

    70 cook

    71 ski

    72 skate

    73 swim

    74 roller blade

    75 play tennis

    76 play football

    77 ride a horse

    78 sail a boat

    79 Monday

    80 Tuesday

    81 Wednesday

    83 Friday

    84 Saturday

    85 Sunday

    86 snowman

    87 curling

    88 sledging

    89 snowboarding

    90 snowball fight

    Unit 7 head and shoulders

    91 eyes

    92 mouth

    93 nose

    94 head

    95 ear

    96 hair

    97 arm

    98 hand

    99 fingers

    100 leg

    101 knee

    102 toes

    103 shoulder

    104 kangaroo

    105 crocodile

    106 key

    107 nurse

    108 a broken leg

    109 big-small

    110A a wide mouth

    110B a small mouth

    111A long fair hair

    111B short fair hair

    Unit 8 what’s the time

    112 midnight

    113 play cards

    114 play darts

    Unit 9 buying things

    115 bee

    Unit 10 Tamy,the queen of jams

    116 castle

    117 king

    118 pot

    119 kitchen