英语翻译请各位英语高手朋友真的帮个忙.感激不尽了 帮我翻译一下以下的字.谢啦(急) 那些日子当你不在我身边,整个世界都不


  • In those days when you are not with me,

    This whole world is not itself.

    If I can sit alongside with you calmly,

    No matter how hard,It is worthful.

    Even I once cried one thousand time,

    I never regret it.

    Sit alongside with your shoulders,

    I can feel the smell of wind and rain.

    Your shoulder is the mean of Love,

    They can hold all my happiness and sadness.

    It is good that my love is also my bigotry,

    It is better the dawn always follow the night.

    Finally,you come back to me!
