为什么enough exercise不能说成exercise enough,enough exercise和well e
enough有两种用法,当enough修饰名词时,enough放在名词前,当修饰的是形容词时,enough放在形容词后,如:足够的食物:enough food
足够长:long enough
E____fresh vegetables and doing enough exercise will be good
Good health ________ good food,exercise,and geering enough s
we must do exercise to make ourselves ____ a.enough healthy
Fresh air,enough exercise and nutritious food __ to good hea
Good health ______ good food,exercise,and enough sleep.单项选择提
给我说说good enough,well enough,enough well的意思和用法
and without enough exercise,kids can become overweight的同义句是什
英语翻译单词:eat healthy food,take exercise,have enough sleep开头:I
英语翻译We got up early enough to take exercise The tree is too