亲爱的朋友,您好 我很高兴收到您的回信.
我们公司愿意支持您的画廊,也为了以后我们的长期合作.我们愿意拿出我们的诚意,为您免费制作一张价值$290的一张油画.这也是我们最大的让利.希望您能理解.请您马上付款 收到付款后我们会马上为您制作7张油画.
My dear friend, we're glad to receive your reply.
Our company is willing to support your gallery, and in order for us to work together in the long-term, we wish to show our good faith by making you a $290 oil painting for free. This is the most we're allowed to yield, so I hope you can understand. Please send us the payment immediately, and we will make the seven oil paintings you have requested as soon as we receive it.