要把为什么这么选写出来哈!1、They often help kids _____ dancing.A、on B、wit
答案:B with,B.
第一题:help sb.with (doing)sth 帮助某人做某事.
为什么we often see the girl ( ) A .dance B .dancing 要选A
英文单选:They often help ____ other.A:one B:each C:every D:for
i often help my mother with the housework on sundays.为什么用wit
为什么Does she like ___?a.dancing b.dance c.dances要选a
Can you help kids with__(dance)?
告诉我为什么这么选I ____ singing to dancing.A.like B.enjoy C.love D.p
In their ____ , they often went hungry . 为什么选A
Are you good kids?Yes,I think I can help them swimming.A.wit
People often start a conversation with these words.中为什么要用wit
Are you good at ____?A.to dance B.dancing 该选哪个,为什么?