

  • 一、两者在用法上的相同点




    (1) 单独用作表语.如:

    One thing was sure [certain]:they’d be late.有一件事是确定无疑的,他们会迟到.

    (2) 后接不定式.如:

    He’s certain [sure] to win.他一定会成功.

    They’re certain [sure] to need help.他们肯定需要帮助.

    If you do this,you are certain [sure] to be found out.如果你这样做一定会被发现.



    (1) 后接of [about] sth.如:

    He is certain [sure] of success.他确信会成功.

    Are you certain of [about] that?你对此有把握吗?

    (2) 后接 of doing sth.如:

    Our team is certain [sure] of winning.我们队有把握赢.

    You can be sure [certain] of his agreeing.你可以放心他会同意.


    He is certain [sure] of winning.

    =He is sure [certain] that he will win.他自信会赢.

    (3) 后接 that / whether / if 从句.如:

    I am sure [certain] that he is honest.我肯定他是诚实的.

    I’m sure [certain] that it’s not your fault.我敢肯定这不是你的错.

    Are you certain [sure] that this is the right road?你肯定这条路对吗?

    注:当be sure [certain]为肯定式或疑问式时,后接that从句;当be sure [certain]为否定式时,后接whether [if]从句.如:

    I’m not sure [certain] whether he still works there.我不能肯定他是否还在那里工作.

    I wasn’t sure [certain] whether he would agree.我不太肯定他是否会同意.

    He wasn’t sure [certain] whether he would be able to get back in time.他不能肯定他是否能准时回来.

    (4) 后接其他从句.如:

    I’m not sure [certain] where she lives.我不能肯定她住在哪里.

    I’m not certain [sure] who wrote it.我不太清楚这是谁写的.



    1.当句中用了形式主语或形式宾语 it 时.如:

    It’s certain that he’ll come tomorrow.他明天肯定会来.

    I thought it certain that he would be late.我肯定他会迟到.

    It’s certain that prices will go up.价格肯定会上涨.

    It’s not certain how much it will cost.这要花多少钱还不确定.

    2.当表示“某一”“某些”时.如(from www.***.com):

    A certain Mr Green wants to see you.有个叫格林先生的人想见你.

    Certain plants are good to eat but others are not.有些植物好吃,而其他一些则不好吃.


    在 Be sure (not) to do sth.(一定要或不要做某事)这类祈使句中通常不用 certain.如:

    Be sure not to forget it.千万别忘记啦.

    Be sure to get there before nine.务必在九点前到达.

    Be sure to turn off the light when leave.离开时一定要关灯.


    1.用于 for certain / for sure,意为“肯定地”“确切地”等,两者可互换.如:

    I can’t say for certain [sure] when he will come.我不敢肯定地说他什么时候来.

    No one knows for sure [certain] what happened to her.没有人确切地知道她出了什么事.

    2.用于 make certain / make sure,意为“弄清楚”“弄得有把握”,两者可互换.如:

    They made certain [sure] (that) they weren’t late.他们有把握不迟到.

    I think there’s a train at 10:40,but you’d better make certain [sure] of it.我想10:40有趟火车,但你最好去核实一下.