The world itself is very beautiful.We are born into this wor


  • 一道英语选择题 谢谢大家讲解.答案C为什么谢谢

    The world itself is very beautiful.We are born into this world and have people around ____ and care for us.A love B loved C to love


    I have do.这种结构中,不定式是后置定语,主动表被动.意为“我有一些事情要去做”.我与do有主谓关系,do 与sth.有动宾关系.所以do必须是及物动词.所以不及物动词需要加上一个介词.如:I have deal with.

    I have a big family to support.我有一大家人要我供养.

    We have people around to love and care for.我们身边有人要我们去爱去关心.

    但是care for后面多出了个us,而句子的原意,恐怕不是将“我们”当长辈,当一个家的主心骨吧,因为前面说了we are born into this world,我们生在这个世界,(还小啊!),后面的意思好象是“我们身边有人爱我们,关心我们.(我们身边有爱我们,关系我们的人),所以最前面说:这个世界其实是美好的.

    如是这个意思,恐怕得用定语从句了:...and we have poeple around who love and care for us.