What would you like to b_____for your brother空里填什么?


  • What would you like to buy_for your brother你要给弟弟买什么?buy ...for ...

    1:Please call_me as soon as you get home.到家就给我打电话.

    2:She always enjoys_the soft music alone on Sundays 周日她总是一个人在家享受轻音乐.

    3:He took_ the first prize in the race他赛跑得了第一名.

    4:Please send me a postcard_when you visit London.去伦敦时给我发个明信片.

    5:My father usually drives_(开车)the car go to work我爸爸通常开车去上班.

    6:She often goes to the park on Sunday.But she_goes shopping_(逛商店)today.她经常在周日去公园,但今天她去逛商店了.


    1:Betty asked her father to __A__her to the zoo next Sunday.贝蒂让爸爸下周日带她去公园.

    A:take B:bring C:carry D:get

    2:This computer doesn"t work.电脑坏了

    _____A__?I will have it repaired tomorrow.真的吗?我明天把它修了.

    a:Really B:OK C:Real D:Why

    3:Of the three foreing visitors,one is form Paris,and___A_two are from Toronto.


    A:the other B:other C:the others D:anothe