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    Yellowstone National Park was found as the largest U.S.National Park in 1872.One part of this park is across Montana and Idaho the two states,so large scale can be imagined.There are many geysers in Yellowstone National Park and Old Faithful Geyser is the most famous one.Because it emits a spa every 56 minutes,every minute is in exactness; Boiling water is Filled in air,and the spring water sprays up 40-60 meters.That becomes a large spectacle.Due to the right time and the spectacle,it has the alias called "Old Faithful" alias.Hill to the lake,Yellow Stone Lake is the largest of the United States.Lake surrounded by conifers,so the lake in a green sea.And luxuriantly look from peak,snow capped,and the scenery excellent.By fish farms,raising trout,camping and fishing,it is a great place.In addition,Yellowstone National Park is the paradise for wildlife,such as Black bear,elk,Grand Cape sheep,Maverick,many kinds of wildlives habit here.