高中英语短文改错We went to Town Hall in wednesday in evening 1It was


  • 1. Wednsday evening (去掉in)

    2. a large crowd of

    3. people gathered (去掉 had)

    4. would strike / in twenty minutes' time (你打错了吧,怎么有两处错?)

    5. had passed

    6. minutes' hand

    7. yet ( yet 此处是“然而”,therefore 是“因此”)

    8. The clock has stopped (此处要用现在完成时,因前面说it is two miutes past...;而不是It was two minutes past.)注:这里空间有限讲不了太详细,此题要弄明白得复习过去完成时的概念.

    9.refused (用过去时)
