

  • Raw material:

    A, in the dough material:

    Whole wheat flour, 120 g, bread flour 85 g, bran 1 t, yeast powder 4 g, water 130 g.

    B, god group material:

    Bread flour, 85 g sugar 25 g, salt, 1 small spoon, milk powder 10 g, water 50 g.

    C, no salt cream 15 g, 450 approach:

    1, material A all mix, A smooth dough can, covered loosely in basic fermentation of about 90 minutes.

    2, material B all mixed join tore into small pieces of the practice of the 1, stir to a slight dough smooth add without salt, butter and stir until the completion of korah vast tracts film stage.

    3, covered loosely, make a second fermentation about 30 minutes.

    4, dough divided into three equal parts, rounded on the back cover of plastic wrap fermentation 15 minutes.

    5, the dough to apricot and from the middle into elliptic (long about 20 cm wide, about 10 cm), ?