

  • 当午夜交正子时,新年钟声敲响,整个中华大地上空,爆竹声震响天宇.在这“岁之元、月之元、时之元”的“三元”时刻,有的地方还在庭院里垒“旺火”,以示旺气通天,兴隆繁盛.在熊熊燃烧的旺火周围,孩子们放爆竹,欢乐地活蹦乱跳,这时,屋内是通明的灯火,庭前是灿烂的火花,屋外是震天的响声,把除夕的热闹气氛推向了最高潮.]

    When neutrons is the turn of midnight,New Year bell sounded,the entire land of China over firecrackers Beidao Tianyu.In this "age,a month,when Yuan," "3" times and in some places still yard barrier "Wanghuo" Airbus to show brisk gas,booming levels.Wanghuo burning in flames around,the children set off fire crackers,joyous to jump and when that happens,the house is brightly lit,the lights.Pretrial is brilliant sparks house is the noisy sounds,the eve of the Chinese Lunar New Year festive atmosphere to a climactic.