describe an item of clothing someone bought for you


  • 说实话,模板你自己都写好了,就是这一部分啦.最近去看了场歌剧魅影,别人买的票送我,其过程艰辛曲折,然我感动得很,权且晒一晒.

    Speaking of this topic,I have tell you the story behind the ticket for the Phantom of the Opera I got from Ming recently.It was not until a week before thanksgiving that I came up with an idea to watch the Phantom of the Opera with him and I asked him to get tickets for both of us.Only after this rectangle and somewhat cheap-looking---compared to the show itself---paper ticket finally fell into my hand that I got to know how he had overcome all the difficulties in order to get this otherwise meaningless tickets.The first day he went to ticket central only to find that it was not open until 4 days later,which is two days before thanksgiving.He rushed as the first person into the central as soon as it opened and was told to look online for the merest possibility of hope because they had been sold out in the central.Hardly had he given up after viewing websites after websites when he spotted the last 4 tickets remaining in this little website.One of them was now in my hand.The ticket was printed with black words indicating our seats and the time of the show,yet what the ticket printed in my heart was his love for our friendship----and of course for the show,which is the reason I like the ticket!