The animals 作文


  • Today I go to the zoo. I see many animals in the zoo.Pandas are my favorite animals. They are white and black. They are very shy, so we must be quiet. Monkeys are very smarter, they can shell bananas and eat them .So I like monkeys, too .The giraffes are very interesting. they have a long neck and they are very tall. Lions and tigers are all terrible. so I don't like them. Eelephants have long nose and two big ears, they are big. They are not terrible. they are friendly to us.So today I am very happy.Do you like animals? If you like animals, too. Please protect them.译文:今天,我去了动物园,我在那里看到了许多动物。我最喜欢的动物是熊猫。它们身上只有黑白两色。它们非常害羞,所以我们必须保持安静。猴子非常机灵,他们能剥香蕉皮并吃掉香蕉。所以我也喜欢猴子。长颈鹿非常有趣,它们有着长脖子所以它们很高。狮子和考虑都非常可怕,所以我不喜欢它们。大象有长长的鼻子和大大的耳朵。它们的身体非常大。他们并不可怕,它们对人类很友好。所以今天我非常高兴。你喜欢动物吗?如果你也喜欢它们,那么请保护它们。