求一篇写伟大妇女的英语作文第一段:what does she do what she looks like what y


  • One of my favorite celebrities are great nightingale.Florence Nightingale was born in Britain in 1820,a wealthy family.Her parents hope she study of literature and art.Regardless of her parents' objection,resolutely choose a nurse.By the 1950s,the Crimean war,Britain's battlefield warriors mortality at 42%.Florence Nightingale initiative for field nurses.She tried to eliminate all kinds of difficulties,the solution for injuries to food and supplies for them,the nursing.Every night,her hand,the lamp patrol tele-education affectionately known her for ms lantern.After the war,the nightingale was returned to England,people for a national hero.In 1910,nightingale died.For the expression of her admiration,people put her birthday - May 12th as "international nurses day".After the nightingale died,follow her wills,not a state funeral.Later she is "etc the angel" and "lantern." 我最喜欢的名人是伟大的南丁格尔.1820年,南丁格尔出生于英国一个富有的家庭.她的父母希望她学习文学艺术.她不顾父母的反对,毅然选择了当护士.19世纪50年代,克里米亚战争的时候,英国的战地战士死亡率高达42%.南丁格尔主动申请担任战地护士.她竭尽全力排除各种困难,为伤员解决必须的生活用品和食品,对他们进行认真的护理.每个夜晚,她都手执油灯巡视,伤病员们亲切地称她为提灯女士.战争结束后,南丁格尔回到英国,被人们推崇为民族英雄.1910年,南丁格尔逝世.为表达对她的敬仰,人们把她的生日——5月12日定为“国际护士节”.南丁格尔逝世后,遵照她的遗嘱,未举行国葬.后人饮誉她为“伤员的天使”和“提灯女士”.