My teacher 作文


  • My teacher我的老师It's a new school year. I have three new teachers. A math新学年到了我有三位新老师一位数学老师和一teacher,and chinese teacher and English teacher. math teachers she's位语文老师一为英语老师数学老师他叫韦女士Miss wei.she'stall and very old . she funny. we all她又高又瘦已经很老了她很搞笑我们喜欢like him. our chinese teacher isvery old.he's strong and kind.她我们语文老师很老了他很强壮也很和蔼he's smart and strict. our English teacher. she's young and pretty. she's他很聪明又严厉我们英语老师她很年轻并且漂亮她是一位大学生a university student. Her class is so much fun.她的课如此有趣I like our teacher.我喜欢我们的老师