英语短文改错 快,速度{共十个错误}


  • 更正在括号处标明,总共十处错误!


    I have the greatest job in the world.I travel to unusual (place改成places) and work alongside with people from all over the world.sometimes working outdoors ,sometimes in (a改成an) office ,sometimes using scientific equipment and sometimes (meet改成meeting) local people and tourists ,I am never bored.Although my job is occasionally (dangerously改成dangerous),I don't mind,(so改成because) danger excites me and makes me feel alive.However ,the most important thing about my job is (what改成that) I help protect ordinary people from one of the most powerful forces on earth -the volcano.I work (加入as) a volcanologivst.One day I was about to go back to sleep (while改成when) suddenly my bedroom began to shake,I immediately (realize改成realized) it was the eruption of (去掉the) Mount Kilauea.