Helen doesn't feel well today,so I'm taking her place to give you English Lessons.
填空:Helen does't feel well today,so I am talking
I am not feeling very well和I don't feel very well的区别00
两道首字母填空,1.I feel the T-shirt does not f____me very well,does00
Can I have a ()(medicine)examination today?I don’t feel well00
I am not feeling well .feel为什么+ing.那么 Tom isn“t ( ) well.要不要00
I don't feel well today.(用yes-terday改写句子)00
My mother does not feel very well today .She does not ____ a00
i don't want to eat anything.i'm feeling well today.().i hop00
how do you feel today?_____well.I feel sick00
he doesn't look well today,does he?00
I don’t feel like ______ anything now, for I am so tired. A.00