[-B4] I find these problems are easy _____.


  • 翻译:我发现这些问题很容易解决.

    1.主句为I find...,后面是一个省略引导词that的宾语从句:these problems are easy _____.

    2.该句型是英语中常见的不定式主动结构表示被动含义的句型:sb/sth + be + 形容词 + to do,该句型可以转化理解为:It be + 形容词 + to do + sb/sth.


    3.如:English is easy to learn.英语很容易学.

    = It is easy to learn English.

    再如:The man is hard to work with.这个男人很难与之共事.

    = It is hard to work with the man.

    4.所以此题答案为C,即:these problems are easy to work out.= it is easy to work out these problems.这些问题很容易(被)解决.

    因为these problems同时又是work out的宾语,所以BD中的them多余重复;
