诗句kettles and pans,say the bells of St.Anns麻烦翻译一下


  • 反问你一句:你怎么都是一句一句地问的?你怎么可能只学到一整首歌谣里面的一句呢?

    "You owe me five shillings,"

    Say the bells of St.Helen's.

    "When will you pay me?"

    Say the bells of Old Bailey.

    "When I grow rich,"

    Say the bells of Shoreditch.

    "When will that be?"

    Say the bells of Stepney.

    "I do not know,"

    Says the great Bell of Bow.

    "Two sticks in an apple,"

    Ring the bells of Whitechapel.

    "Halfpence and farthings,"

    Say the bells of St.Martin's.

    "Kettles and pans,"

    Say the bells of St.Ann's.

    "Brickbats and tiles,"

    Say the bells of St.Giles.

    "Old shoes and slippers,"

    Say the bells of St.Peter's.

    "Pokers and tongs,"

    Say the bells of St.John's.


    kettles and pans,say the bells of St.Anns

