英语翻译《泰坦尼克号》中ROSE的一句话让我想到了自己,ROSE说:“  ROSE说:“我觉得这一生不外如此,像活了一辈


  • Rose said, “I think my life is just enough after

    come through the event and what’s more ,to come across Jack. It Just like I have

    lived all my lifetime…” The sentence of the Titanic makes me think about myself

    that I seem as to stand on the cliff in this age of intense competition.

    While I saw Rose jump to the sinking

    ship, I suddenly realized that I need to pursue what I want no matter how much

    difficulties are there. And the Titanic told the human beings

    to continue to examine our own mortalities . The Titanic also is a film contains the faith

    of wide heart, courage, sacrifice and love.