

  • 原句 Tom ( listen to) the music.

    1.every day.句子:------------------------------- 被动形式:------------------------------------

    句子:Tom listens to the music every day.

    被动形式:The music was listened by Tom every day.

    解析:通过时间可以判断应该使用的时态.时态决定谓语动词(在此句中就是listen to)的形式.every day是每天的意思.每天做的事是一种正在发生的常态,应该用一般现在时.一般现在时中,主语是复数和第一人称I,we,以及第二人称you的时候用动词原型,主语是第三人称单数或者物的单数时用加了s或es的形式.一般现在时的基本形式是:sb.do/does sth; sb.am/is/are sth./adj.此句中主语是TOM,为第三人称单数,谓语应当用listens to.

    被动形式就是将宾语做主语,主语作宾语,谓语动词改为be+done+by的形式,时间地点等状语不变.比如我昨天洗了车=车昨天被我洗了.I washed the car yesterday.= The car was washed by me yesterday.


    2.yesterday 昨天——一般过去时:sb.did(动词过去式) sth.

    Tom listened to the music yesterday.

    The music was listened by Tom yesterday.

    3.the day after tomorrow 后天——一般将来时:sb.will+do(will+动词原型) sth.

    Tom will listen to the music the day after tomorrow.

    The music will be listened by Tom the day after tomorrow.

    4.now 现在——现在进行时:sb.第一人称I用am/第三人称、物的单数用is/第二人称、复数用are doing(am/is/are+动词的现在分词) sth.

    Tom is listening to the music now.

    The music is listened by Tom now.

    5.this time yesterday 昨天的这个时候——过去进行时:sb.单数和I用was/复数和You用were+doing sth.

    Tom was listening to the music this time yesterday.

    The music was listened by Tom this time yesterday.

    6.since last year 从去年开始至今——现在完成时(过去开始的现在还在进行或者强调至今都有影响的事情用此时态):sb.have/has+done(第一第二人称和复数用have/第三人称单数和物的单数用has+动词的过去分词) sth.

    Tom has listened to the music since last year.

    The music has been listened by Tom since last year.

    7.by the end of the last month 直到上个月末为止——过去完成时(过去的某事之前完成的事情,或者过去的一段时间内持续又在过去的一个时间点结束的事情,用此时态):sb.had+done sth.
