It is SHERLOCK Holmes(化繁为简,意思到位)
We must think that the detective is popular and friendly.(我们一定认为侦探是.你的原话老外会晕的)
and Jhon Waston is the only friend to him.(对他来说,with相对缺乏感情上的意思)
we can watch Sherlock and Waston how they destroy enemies one by one,and how the stroy exciting are.(这是演讲不是诗歌.宾语enemies不要和副词one by one随便颠倒顺序.而且enemy是可数要么前面加冠词要么用复数,而且后面有语法错误,And how the stroy exciting are.这和前面的句子意思连在一起为什么要把and大写而且还独立成句?这不是感叹句)
The author creates 注意单复数.
more great stories 注意单复数!
that the audience 为什么要加the?前面有提到过吗?孩纸8要随便加the
interesting stories 单复数.