题目是不是抄错了 The children have to do their homework the moment they ___back from school 这个吧.应该选A have arrived,主句现在时,从句现在完成时,从句先于主句发生,孩子们一回家(先发生),就做作业(后发生)
请选择和讲解,The children are to do their homework the moment they
Are the children doing their homework at the moment?的肯定回答 at
快来帮我简单英语问题1.The kids are to do their homework the moment the
All the children had __________ homework to do that they
They are doing their homework?对doing their
They______TV in the evening.They do their homework.
英语一选择Their children were told to play the game ____ they had
They are not ( ) while they do their homework.
The children do their homework in the evening.划线部分为:in the e
1.The teacher asked the students to do their homework ______