英语演讲比赛,帮忙写一篇三分钟的文章∶the best present in my life


  • the Best Present in My Life-----the Second Life My Father Gave to Me

    I will never forget the day my father gave me the second life!

    Twenty years ago,I came to the world----my mother gave birth to me.Unluckily,I suffered a terrible disease when I was 7 years old.I coughed day and night and had to stay in bed all the time .While other children of my age were going to school happily ,I was staying in bed all day.All kinds of medicine was around me.Soon my illness went bad and blood came out of my mouth while coughing.I knew I was dying.I said to my father who had been worried about that since the day I got ill"Dad,I am so sorry,I have brought about so much sorrow to you and mom...""Don't say that again,poor boy!No matter how bad you illness will get,I'll cure you,and I must!though we have run out of all the money,I can borrow some from our relatives ...""Thank you,dad",I cried to tears.From then on father gave up his job and sent me from one hospital to another.

    With the effort of my father,I finally recovered from the terrible illness.It is father that had given me the second life!