

  • 农夫与鹰





    Farmer and eagle

    There is a farmer arrive deep Lin2 Li3 cut wood and walk walk,he suddenly detection an eagle,this eagle move because of being caught a monster to clip can not.The farmer see eagle long a pair of brightly of eyes,the color and luster shining feather,feel to very pitiful,loose open clip,put eagle.

    The eagle gratefully say to the farmer:"Thanked you to save me,I can never forget you of Help of boon."

    Say that finish,the eagle be one exhibition huge wing and face empty fly.

    Led for several days,this eagle several times flew back to visit a farmer.This farmer sit at a wall bottom eat a round flat cake,the eagle disease soon fly,by foot the claw start to grasp the farmer's turban and turn round to fly to,the farmer see eagle rob his turban,quickly stand up to make track for,the eagle see him leave that wall and then and immediately throw turban still to him,farmer ten beginning towel,fierce listen to back is a burst of bomb however tumble down of voice,turn head on see,detection oneself just depend of that the wall tumbled down,farmer's knowing be an eagle to save oneself,in the mind very touched.