5道英语选择题,1:You are not allowed--your car here A:park B:parkin


  • 1:You are not allowed--your car here

    A:park B: parking C:to park D:to be parked

    选C.be allowed to do sth 被允许做某事

    2:--that is was raining,he went back to get the raincoat

    A:see B:to see C:seen D:seeing


    3:It's very warm today,why not--?

    A:go out for a walk B:went out for a walk

    C:will go out for a walk D:to go out for a walk

    选A.why not do sth? 为什么不去做某事,why not 后加动词原形.

    4:Spring is coming,it's time--threes

    A:to plant B:plant C:plantingD:be planting

    选A.It is time to do sth, 是做什么的时候了.

    5:--more time,he could have done the work better

    A:to be given B:giving C:to give D:given

