

  • 1.How many __feet_(foot) does an elephant have?

    2.Kate is a good girl.She _studies_(study) very hard.

    3.She likes _singing_(sing)and __dancing_(dance).

    4.The fridge _was_(be)full yesterday,but it _is_(be)empty now.

    5.A typhoon_is_(be)terrible.I _don't like_(not like)such a weather.

    6.The most popular sport in my school is (table tennis)请对括号中提问

    What is the most popular sport in your school?

    7.My father is not (inside).请用意思相反的词改写.My father is outside.

    8.You can spell that.请改成疑问句.Can you spell that?

    9.We are going to (the hall) to see afilm.请对括号中提问

    where are you going to see a film?

    10.I Like swimming ,shopping and playing computer.请改成否定句.

    I don't like swimming,shopping or playing computer.

    11.Come and play with us .请改成一般疑问句.

    Will you come and play with us?【拿不准,没见过祈使句变疑问句】

    12.My car license number is (粤B·A1212)请对括号中提问.

    What is your car licence number?

    13.We go to work by bike.请将主语变成第三人称单数he.

    He goes to work by bike.

    14.Jack likes to eat French fries.不改变句意,请用其他方式表达.

    Jack likes eating French fries.

    15.My mother (drove me to the school) this morning .请对括号中提问.

    what did your mother do this morning?

    16Peter danced with Mary in the living room last night.请改成一般疑问句.

    Did Peter dance with Mary in the living room last night17.Rose is going to (make cakes) for us?

    17.Rose is going to (make cakes) for us.请对括号中提问.What is Rose going to do for you?

    18.The bookshelf is (mpty).请对括号中提问.How is the bookshelf?

    19.Listen!Someone __is calling__(call) you.

    20.He __doesn't come__(not,come)from Australia.

    21.Mrs.Green often __teaches__(teach) them how to learn English.

    22.Johnny likes_watching__(watch) TV.

    23.You 'd better_not stand__(not ,stand)here.It's very dangerous.

    24.I'm __feeling__(feel)bored ,and I don't like to _do__(do)it again.

    25__Shopping__(shop)is my favorite hobby.


    Simon called Kelly at her house.

    Simon:__May I speak to Kelly__________?

    kelly's father :__Hold on,please_________.

    (Father:Kelly,you phone .)

    Kelly :__Who is that speaking_________?

    Simon:Hello ,Kelly.This is Simon .It's__Sunday____today .And it's __boring____to stay in-side.Do you have any fun?

    Kelly:It's a __terrible___day.I __planned to go on a picnic____.(本来计划去野餐)But now,I can do nothing .Could you__come and surf the Internet with me___?(过来和我一起去上网.)

    Simon:I'm afraid I couldn't._It's raing cats and dogs outside___.(外面下着倾盆大雨)I‘m sorry.

    Kelly:__Never mind._________.