英语翻译This is a call of armsto live and love and sleep togethe


  • This is a call of arms 有一种力量在召唤

    to live and love and sleep together 催促着存在与爱,和永不分离

    We could flood the streets with love 我们可以用爱淹没街道

    or light or heat whatever 或是光热或是其余

    Lock the parents out,脱离父母的束缚

    cut a rug,twist and shout 剪一条布,缠绕然后叫喊

    Wave your hands 挥舞你的手

    Make it rain 让雨尽情的下

    For stars will rise again 因为星星会重现

    The youth is starting to change 青春就要改变

    Are you starting to change?你开始改变了吗

    Are you?是这样吗


    In a couple of years 若干年后

    Tides have turned from booze to tears 潮水是眼泪代替了酒水

    And in spite of the weather 任天气无常

    We could learn to make it together 我们仍可以相聚

    The youth is starting to change 青春正在改变

    Are you starting to change?你开始了吗

    Are you?是吗


    The youth...年轻的人