good eating habit 作文(带翻译)


  • The first kind is grains and potato:grains including rice,noodles,grains,potato including potatoes,sweet potato,tapioca,mainly provides carbohydrate,protein,fiber and B vitamins.

    The second animal food:including meat,poultry,fish,milk,eggs,etc,mainly provides protein,fat,minerals,vitamins A and B vitamins.

    The third kind for beans and its products:include soy and other dry beans,mainly provide proteins,fats,fiber,minerals and vitamins B.

    The fourth class for vegetable fruit:including fresh beans,roots,leafy vegetables,tomato fruit,mainly provide dietary fiber,minerals,vitamins C and carotene.

    The fifth class for pure heat food:including animal and plant oil,starch,edible sugar and alcohol,mainly provide energy.Vegetable oil can also provide vitamin E and essential fatty acids.