几个语法问题1 of particular interest to visitors------the large nu


  • 1.这句话是一个倒装句,很多卖各种不同语言(版本)的书的书店尤其使来访者感兴趣.

    主语是the large number of bookstores

    were of particular interest to visitors是系表结构作谓语=were particularly interesting to visitors

    that sell books in different languages是定语从句修饰先行词bookstores

    又如It is important to do it now=It is of great importance to do it now

    2the number of .的数目,数量,修饰可数名词复数(诊所的数量必须减少)

    而amount of 修饰不可数名词 (.的数量)


    quantity 数量.应该是a large quantity of / large quantities of 修饰修饰可数名词复数.大量的.=many

    3.祈使句的反意疑问句是will you?

    4.根据句子后面的时态,前面也应用过去时,打算干是C was going ,不可能是D (这是不定式的完成时表示完成)
