

  • Five, the conclusion

    Education ethnography of anthropology is education "foundation" (that is the most fundamental

    Knowledge production mode), is the subject of the fundamental method and main

    Products. The famous British sociologist jigger · bowman (Zyg monterey-

    Munt Bauman, 1925 a) had briefly said, every subject

    And their branch, "they tried to practice his word, by the earnest responsible parties

    Type (namely can believe the way to truth) acquire and suggested that finding.

    If they don't, they are ready to criticism-and

    To recover their judgment "lead. So, [1 education ethnography as anthropology

    -f-j young branch discipline-education anthropology "foundation", L1

    Especially in China, its development numbered, then L9 son can make what

    Yao "promise" and "hard practice"? Through to spread among the

    I identified as "education ethnography" work with content analysis of the theme

    Conclusion, the author thinks that Chinese education research of it, can make and practice

    The following "promise" : (1) improve "education and cultural diversity"

    Understanding and the understanding; (2) improve "education culture process of knowledge,

    And understanding; (3) improve "education and ethnic relationship" the understanding and judgment

    Solutions; (4) improve "education and social vulnerable group" the understanding and judgment

    Solutions; (5) improve on "social culture and minority groups school achievement"

    Understanding and the understanding; (6) increase understanding of the "China education 'culture character"'

    The understanding and the understanding (through the in full overseas education ethnographic study

    On the basis of cross-cultural comparison education research).
