have,there的区别have,there be的区别


  • there be:表示某地有某物,指没有生命的物体有.例如:There are many books in the schoolbag.have/has:表示有生命的人或者动物有.例如:I have many books.相关练习:1.教室里有很多桌子和凳子.There are many desks and chairs in the classroom.2.冰箱有很多水果.There are many fruits in the fridge.3.小猫有一身干净而洁白的毛.The cat has clean and white hair.4.树上有两个风筝和一只鸟.There are two kites and a bird in the tree.(本句中要注意紧跟在be动词后是复数,所以用are.) There is a bird and two kites in the tree.(本句中要注意紧跟在be动词后是单数,所以用is.) 5.男生们都留着短头发.The boys have short hair.6.书桌里有三本故事书和一个书包.There are three story-books and a schoolbag in the desk.7.苹果树上没有苹果.(方法:将这句话变成肯定句子,然后在变成否定句) There are apples on the apple-tree.-- There are not apples on the apple-tree.8.树上没有三个苹果但是有三个风筝.There are not three apples on the tree,but there are three kites in the tree.此句要注意苹果、风筝和树的不同属关系,在翻译时要注意in the tree和on the tree的区别.9.家里没有人.There are not people at home.此句要注意people实是复数的问题.10.书架上有很多书.There are many books on the shelf.