1在街道的拐角处\在路的尽头 2我听见你正在弹钢琴\我经常听见你在屋里弹吉他 3在左边\在右边\右边没有房子\下午不用上


  • 1在街道的拐角处\在路的尽头 at the corner of the streetat the end of the road 2我听见你正在弹钢琴\我经常听见你在屋里弹吉他 I heard you were playing pianoI often hear you playing guitar inside your room 3在左边\在右边\右边没有房子\下午不用上课 at leftat rightthere's no house on the rightno class this afternoon 4你怎么了?(三种) what's the matter with you? Are you OK? What's the problem? 5社区怎么样?它是一个安静的社区.离…很近 靠近 紧挨着\离…远\离……不愿. How's community?It's a peaceful community. really near near close far from not far from, 6我们学校靠近邮局.\我家离学校很远.\银行离这不远. our school is close to the post officemy house is far from school.bank is not from here 7在我们小区里有许多高楼很小花园 In our community there's lots of tall buildings and small gardens. 8我家厨房的排气扇坏了.我的自行车出问题了 The exhaust fan in my kitchen is down. My bike's got some problem. 9你可以大电话问下社区服务中心求助.对不起 我听不见 线路坏了 You could call the community service center for help. Sorry I can't hear lines are broken 10我马上派人去检查一下 I will send someone over to check immediately 11从城市到农村\他们想念农村.他们想念那里的新鲜空气和安静的生活 from city to rural they miss the rural. they miss the fresh air and calm life over there 12在城市交通拥挤并且生活费用高 In the city traffics are jampacked and there's higher money spend on standard living. 13我喜欢住有庭院的房子\有花园的房子 I like to live in a house with backyardhouse with garden. 打的好辛苦`.