英语作文 proper family educatian 根据漫画来写.结合素质教育和人才观谈谈你的看法.


  • Proper Family Education

    Here is a cartoon,in which there is a boy standing between his parents,holding an exam paper in his hand.He gets only 40 points.His father says angrily,"You can only become a worker in the future depending on your quality." And his mother says,"Even become a peasant,I think."

    What's your idea after seeing this cartoon?I disagree with his parents.

    First,in terms of quality education,their words are totally wrong.Because low points in exams doesn't mean poor qualities at all.Besides,what they say and do will have a bad effect on their child's development of all-around qualites.

    Second,in terms of view of talent,good workers and peasants are talents as well as so-called white-collar.They are just different categories of work.Who daresay we don't need skilled workers or peasants in our daily life?

    All in all,proper family education is urgently needed.Only with it can we become qualified parents or children!