英语口语测试 一份自我介绍 时间三分钟


  • ①Hello,everyone.My name is XXX,XXXold this year.I'm studying in XXXSchool,a member of free combat team.I am an active,bright,friendly and humorous girl.So happy to stand here and introduce myself to you.Next,I'd like to sing an English song.Its name is ...

    ②Hello everybody,my name is ***,I am eleven years old,is a lively little boy (female) child,my specialty is running,sports,my presentation is over,hope you like me!Thank you

    ③Everybody is good I call zhang warm 14 years old this year studying in xiamen sports school is a member of the SanDaDui I was a character lively open and bright humorous girl is happy to passion can stand here to introduce myself?I want to show the talent is an English song name

    ④My name is Lin and I'm from China.Right now,I'm a student.I study very hard every day.I like going to school because I'm eager to learn.I enjoy learning English.It's my favorite class.I like to make friends and I get along with everyone.This is the introduction I give whenever I meet new people.It tells people a little bit about me and about what I like to do.
