

  • 老大,你知道10分钟的演讲稿那是个什么概念吗?我只能说我尽力.如果你只给我10你太小气了.我现写的呀,写这很长时间呀.呜呼

    My best memory

    This is the amazing year of my life,I went into college and I droped my past away from me.This's a dream I have been wanted since long time ago.

    But honestly,what's more meaningful to me is the year I have just passed----the life of my senior high school.

    When I look back around it,I just can't keep smiling,it's so sweet and worth remembering.I got a lot of friends then,I'd love called them friends instead of classmates.We all get together fighting for the same target ,our ideal college.we sacrificed a lot for it.we kept doing our homework over and over,sounds like the homework thing's never gone away.

    These days were really boring,but what impressed me was our hard working time,and it do have an important position in my heart.I will never forget my old school and my old friends.

    I'm so glad I finally won fair and square,I finally went into the college and standing here to tell you guys all my feeling in my heart.

    No matter how good my memory was,what had past is in the past.And the bright future is waving to us.So,I will just seize the day and do everything I can to creat my bright future.