分析句子用法At what time canI see you?其中 at what time 好像是个什么用法或结构


  • 这是个将结构反过来的句子.本来应该是:I can see you at what time?我能在什么时间见下你?

    现在将At what time拿到前面来,意思不变,但是句子更顺了:At what time can I see you? 在什么时间我能见下你?



    He couldn't move at that moment.他当时就不能动了.

    At that moment he couldn't move. 当时他就不能动了.

    I won't ever treat you bad. 我永远不会亏待你的.

    Treat you bad is what I won't ever do. 亏待你是我永远不会做的事.