第一段:有些时候我们会抱怨自己的时间不够,但我们却忽略了一个重要的问题,那就是积少成多.用简短的十分钟来做有价值的事,时间长了就会觉得自己很有成就感.There are times when we would complain their time is not enough,but we have ignored an important problem,that adds up.Use short 10 minutes to do worthwhile,after a long time will feel a sense of accomplishment.
第二段:比方说,今天我用十分钟记背十个英语单词,明天我先把昨天的单词复习了,然后再记背今天的十个单词,像这样逐渐就可以积累很多的单词,慢慢的就会发现自己的词汇量增加.Today,for example,I remember back in ten minutes ten English words,tomorrow I put words to review yesterday,and then put it back today ten words,like this can gradually accumulated a lot of words,slowly you will find my vocabulary.
第三段:再比方说,今天我用十分钟来跑步,明天也这样,日子长了我的身体健康状况也会变得更加健康.Again,for example,I use ten minutes to run today,tomorrow,so long my health will be more healthy.
第四段:有句俗话说得好:时间就像海绵一样,挤一挤总会有的.在我们的人生中时间总是过得很快,一眨眼时间就消失不见,但如果我们把每分每秒都过得很充实,那么我们就会觉得人生非常丰富多彩.is there a sentence as the saying goes:time is like a sponge,crowded a crowded will always have.In our life time always flies,the twinkling of an eye time will disappear,but if we take each minute very full,so we will feel the life is very colorful.
don't look down upon ten minutes,the power of ten minutes is enough to change your life.