求这篇完型的全文!开头是an evil man once went to a wise man asking for a


  • an evil man once went to a wise man asking for advice about starting a new life.The wise man asked him to give up at least one of his bad habits.He gave up telling lies.

    That night,when he went to the loyal palace to steal something,he found in the palace another person ,who said he was a thief.He too announced that he was a thief and both broke into the treasury and dividedbetween themselves the diamonds found there.The other person was none other than the king,he pretended to be a thief.While the diamonds were shared,the real thief felt pity for the king who was losing his entire stock,he asked his companion to leave one diamond behind in the safe.And ,it was done.

    The next morning,when it was discovered that the treasury had been broken into,the Minister was sent by the king to assess the loss.The Minister found the diamond,thinking that it had missed the eyes of the thieves.He quietly hid it in his own pocket and reported at the court that all the diamonds were gone!

    The king had got from the real thief his address the previous night while they parted with their separate bags.So he sent for him and when the thief stood in court befre the king,he admitted that all but one of the diamonds were stolen by him and his unknown companion.The diamond was discovered in the pocket of the Minister and the king dismissed him for the lie.The real thief was appointed Minister instead,and he gave up his other bad habits too.

    It is a perfect example of how one step in the right direction can lead to another.
