

  • Key words of the day

    Library 图书馆 Library card 借书证 Do you have a library card?你有借书证吗?

    How do I join the library?怎么办借书证?Can I borrow these books?这些书可以外借吗?All in today’s Chinese Studio.

    B:Shudian is bookstore,I remember from last week,so what’s a library?

    Y:it’s tu2 shu1 guan3.

    B:tu2 shu1 guan3.And what about,library card?

    Y:you can say:jie4 shu1 zheng4,

    B:jie4 shu1 zheng4,

    Y:jie4 shu1 means lending books,

    B:jie4 shu1,

    Y:zheng4 literally means certificate,here it means card,


    Y:jie4 shu1 zheng4

    B:jie4 shu1 zheng4,library card.

    Conversation 1



    B:Now if I go to the library,someone is bound to ask me,do you have a library card?How will they say that?

    Y:They will say:你有借书证吗?

    B:ni2 you3 jie4 shu1 zheng4 ma?

    Y:ni3 means you,


    Y:you3 means have,


    Y:jie4 shu1 zheng4,we just mentioned it,and it means library card,

    B:jie4 shu1 zheng4,

    Y:the syllable ma is used to form a question,


    Y:ni2 you3 jie4 shu1 zheng4 ma?

    B:ni2 you3 jie4 shu1 zheng4 ma?Do you have a library card?

    Conversation 2



    (2) A:你有借书证吗?


    B:I don’t have a card but I’d love one,how do I ask,how do I join the library?

    Y:You may say it like this:怎么办借书证?

    B:Let me try that… zen3me ban4 jie4 shu1 zheng4?

    Y:zen3me means how,


    Y:ban4 means apply for,


    Y:jie4 shu1 zheng4,library card,

    B:jie4 shu1 zheng4

    Y:zen3me ban4 jie4 shu1 zheng4?

    B:zen3me ban4 jie4 shu1 zheng4?How do I apply for a library card?/how do I join the library?

    Conversation 3



    B:Great,I’ve now got a library card,so let’s get down to the business of borrowing some books.Can I borrow these books?

    Y:You need to ask,这些书可以外借吗?

    B:zhe4 xie1 shu1 ke2 yi3 wai4 jie4 ma?

    Y:zhe4 xie1 shu1 these books,as shu1 means books,

    B:zhe4 xie1 shu1,

    Y:ke2 yi3 means be allowed to do sth,

    B:ke2 yi3,

    Y:wai4 jie4 means borrow,

    B:wai4 jie4,

    Y:zhe4 xie1 shu1 ke2 yi3 wai4 jie4 ma?

    B:zhe4 xie1 shu1 ke2 yi3 wai4 jie4 ma?Can I borrow these books?

    Conversation 4



    B:I’m going to browse the shelves.Coming

    Y:Sure,but first our question of the day.How do you say “How do I join the library?” ,in Chinese.

    B:And you can send us the correct answer in an email to Chinese@crifm.com.Mingtian jian.