

  • luoyun:What do you want to eat

    lichen:Er ,for this is the first time for me to come here ,I’m not familiar with all the dishes here.And can you help me for introducing your famous and delicious food .

    luoyun:Welcome you here !I’m very glad to help you .We will give you the best service .Smart man ,it’s a right choice for you to come here!

    lichen:Thanks .I hope I can’t go wrongly for having dinner .

    luoyun:Oh,it’s no problem !Thus ,there are many delicious dishes and our specials .

    lichen:Like what

    luoyun:Like mutton ,sweet potato ,chicken ,maixze and so on .

    lichen:Very good !I like chicken most !

    luoyun:So I said you were right to have choosen us.The chicken is just our most wonderful and famous special .

    lichen:En ,some drink

    luoyun:Mineral water ,black tea ,orange ……

    lichen:OK ,OK !That’s all !Just a chicken and a botton of water .

    luoyun:That’s good !Just wait for a minuet ……and how do you like it

    lichen:Very delicious .And my hope comes true now !

    luoyun:Wise and very humours sir .And we just do that we should do and of course we will try to satisfy you .

    lichen:Thanks very much !

    luoyun:My pleasure !